Friday 31st March 2017

With the weather on our side it's been a hectic two weeks. The Savanah along the coast was started last week. A 700 acre block. With slightly different soil types and varying seed depths this was completed today. It was straight on to the Noroit Petit Pois. This has a longer maturity date so allows to keep drilling at a pace. We'll catch our breath on Sunday and then get stuck into Waverex south of Boston. As for the Anubis and Style they are marching on in the high temperatures that we are having currently. Crop emergence is 10 days ahead of 2016. So if it continues like this we will need to brace ourselves for an early harvest. As of tonight we have got 40% of our peas in the ground. Got to be happy with that. 


Monday 10th April 2017


Monday 20th March 2017